Places Been
Keep track of the cities you visited on your trips and review your statistics!
Mark the Places you have Been to in your #lifetime
Places Been is a travel tracker app for Android & iOS which allows you to conveniently search and pin the places you have visited on your trips around the world.
Tagging of visited Cities
The extensive offline database contains all cities in the world with more than 500 inhabitants
UNESCO Heritage Sites
Find and tag the UNESCO World Heritage Sites that you have seen in your life
Review your travel statistics: How many continents, countries and cities have you visited?
Places List
Complete list of all countries of the world including their flags plus all states & provinces for many countries
Flag Map
Personal Flag Map based on your tagged places (flags of visited countries within their country shapes)
Share with friends
Send your maps with all pins and your travel statistics to your friends and family
Click on the screenshots to view larger images
Download Places Been
The easy to use travel tracking app for iOS & Android
Get in touch
Use the contact form to give us feedback about our apps or to ask us any questions.
myarx apps
- 8005 Zurich, Switzerland
- android@myarx.net
- iOS@myarx.net
- www.myarx.net
- www.placesbeen.net
Important links: Terms and Conditions | Privacy and Security Policy | FAQ
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